Census Records - Genealogy Resources

1901 Census of England and Wales Online
View 1.5 million original 1901 census documents of England and Wales online detailing 32 million people: A unique source for your family's history from the Public Record Office (PRO). It is free to search, but you have to pay to view the records (plus you only get 48 hours to use your session).
Ancestry.co.uk is the largest family history site online with over 500 million UK and Ireland records
Large collection of family history records available to subscribers including Census records from the 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 England & Wales Census, Civil Registration indexes of births, marriages and deaths (from 1837), Pallot's Marriage Index for England (1780-1837), Parish and Probate records, British Telephone Directories and much, much more…
FamilySearch.org - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Free search for ancestors around the world, including the complete British Census 1881, International Genealogical Index, Pedigree Resource Files, and Family History websites.
FreeCEN - Free UK Census Online (1841-1891)
Free Census extracts from 1841 to 1891, allowing users to search a database of the 19th century UK census returns for Free.
ScotlandsPeople - Official government source for Scottish genealogy, census and family research
The official online source of parish register, civil registration and census records for Scotland covering wills & testaments, births, marriages, deaths and census with over 37 million names.

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Birth, Marriage & Death Records
Census Records
Family Trees and Individual Pedigrees
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Genealogy Magazines & Publications
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Historical Trade Directories
International Resources
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Obituaries, Wills and Probate
Online Genealogy Resources
Organisations and Societies
Parish Records
Professional Genealogists
Surname History & Lineage

Family History Resources

If you are looking for useful family history sites, please browse my recommended genealogy websites.

Genes Reunited Genes Reunited
20% OFF subscriptions in August. Find out more
Findmypast Find My Past
1 month for £1 plus FREE trial. Find out more
Ancestry.co.uk Ancestry.co.uk: UK's favourite family history online resource